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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

There's a housewife in me... who knew??

For some reason I never ended up taking the camera out of it's bag the entire four days we were in Alice Springs. We ended up spending four days shopping for things we never ended up buying (lounge suite, computer, fridge) and getting things needed for people back home, who decided that they didn't know they needed it until we were just about ready to leave... grrr. We did spend every spare moment in the pool at the tourist park we stayed in though. That was amazing (I could have done without the lethal tree splitting dust storm though) and I want to marry that pool and have it's babies. Seriously. MR is fully agreeable to this plan.

Anyhoo, since I've been back I've gotten my fat little butt into gear to get this house organised. I've been lazy for the last few months and decided that I needed to get myself out of it (it's due to my depression, I'm seriously not a slob) and get into the laundry and dishes that have piled up. Two days later and I'm half way through them which is good for me, so I'm happy. I also got some cooking done, which is also awesome because I love cooking, even if it does create more dishes.
Last night I made a recipe my Mum makes (and I begged the recipe out of her), which is a sausage/vegetable/gravy dish. Mum came up with it when I was little because I'm the pickiest eater on the planet. It's quick and easy, can be made in advance, and can be made out of leftovers. It turned out pretty well even if I fail at rice, but I'm getting better. MR enjoyed it so that's the main thing. Of course, I didn't take a photo, because I just wanted to eat it. :P

Today I marinated a couple of steaks for MR. He's been having a hard time lately and I suspect with my all knowning knowyness that it's depression, and steak is one of his favourite foods, so that's what he gets. For the next three days. He's definitely not complaining. I make myself some pepper chicken fillets, and we had them with potato/carrot bake and some steamed broccoli, cauliflower, peas and corn. yes, I'm trying to be healthy because I'm tired of being fat. It's a thing...

Unfortunately my healthyness is being destroyed by my love of junk food, and cooking said junk food. At 10pm last night I made chocolate chip cookies. Because they are awesome. I didn't take a photo because they didn't look very pretty, but they tasted damn good!
Today I made one of MRs favourite deserts, cheesecake. I made one for him and one for me, because I'm just that awesome. I took pictures of these, because I was excited about my pretty decorating skills.

MR's Irish Cream Cheesecake. We "Rawr" each other about a zillion times a day. It's a thing.

My Vanilla Cheesecake (the little silvery ball things read "I Love U")

Tomorrow night steak is on the menu again for MR (I stupidly didn't separate the ones I bought last fortnight so I had to defrost four, eek) and I'll do something with chicken, I haven't decided yet, I need to raid recipe websites again. It's not shopping day until Thursday, and I didn't shop last week due to being away for four days so I'm running on empty. I'm going to have whatever I make with roast potatoes and carrots though. Because roast veggies are awesomesauce.

I have a sushi kit in my pantry which I'm desperate to try and make, so I may do that at some point over the next few days as well (while I have some chicken on hand. Raw fish = blergh!). I really need to start taking pictures of my food, even if I don't think it looks pretty, because I spend half my time in the kitchen these days. So I might as well.


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