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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lifestyle Changes - Day 1

Late last night MR and I decided that we needed a drastic change to our lifestyle. Lots of exercise, lots of healthy food, no cigarettes, no alcohol, no fast food and no laziness. Starting today. We failed miserably right off the bad by sleeping through the alarm and not getting up until 11.30am, but considering we went to bed at 4am is wasn't such a horrible thing.

Food shopping consisted of mostly fruits and vegetables and nothing junk foody at all. It was still expensive, but hey, it is regardless of what we buy.

I updated my sparkpeople account with my recent figures and have decided to use it every day for nutritional, fitness and wellbeing needs. Talking to other people in the same situation as I am and learning as I go, I'm hoping will be better than just winging it.

I know the next few weeks are going to be torture on us both. Stopping cigarettes, alcohol and sugar cold turkey, as well as going from zero exercise to at least an hour a day, and we are going to be wrecked, but it's worth it. Mark wants to get into mountain/trail biking, and I'm seriously considering it myself. Once we reach our goal weights we are going to buy ourselves bikes so we can get started. This will be in 2011 some time.

We are hoping that with fixing our diet and exercise regime, our bodies will stop all their little annoying habits they have, like random pains and stiffness. Especially for myself because I've been plagued with stomach issues for near on ten years now and the medical profession is at a loss. I've recently started getting heart pains, and both MR and I suffer from horrendous migraines.

So this afternoon when MR finished work we went on a 1.3km walk with Maxy Puppy around our block, which is very hilly and steep. We discovered that I am incredibly unfit, that MR is so much better than me at anything athletic, and Max like chasing things that he shouldn't. I then whipped up a salad for dinner, which I have never done for MR before because he's not a fan of them. I quite enjoyed it, MR did not. Sure it was a little bland, but neither of us like salad dressings and we are on a tight budget in a town that doesn't have many options. So it was lettuce, carrot sticks, cucumber pieces, mushroom slices, a little cheese and a portion of meat. I had leftover grilled chicken from last night, MR had steak sausages. Boring, sure, but definitely healthy. So we are just going to have to learn to live with salads, exercise we hate, and being hungry. Because we NEED to.

Tomorrow morning we are going for a swim at the local pool. We both love swimming, so this is something to look forward too, as we can only do it on the days MR starts work at midday due to the opening hours. I can't wait!


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