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Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Tomorrow morning  MR and I are off on a much needed break to Alice Springs. Considering we were supposed to leave three days ago I'm incredibly happy that we finally have a day to leave. We haven't even left yet and I have already decided what the highlight of my trip will be:


Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with MR playing World Of Warcraft. He enjoys it and I am more than happy for him to do things that he enjoys. Once I get my new laptop I plan to be playing it myself as it seems like a game I would enjoy. But MR's life at the moment is Work, Wow, Sleep. In that order, every day. And me being me, I need attention and snuggles from my man and I haven't been getting them. Of course I could just ask him to turn off the computer and pay attention to me, but hey, I'm not going to do that.

MR and I have taken two holidays during our relationship. A two week trip to Perth last March and a few days in Port Augusta and Port Pirie in October. Due to the failing health of his mother both of these trips were cut short and we had to return to be here with the family. Since her passing in November MR has been run off his feet with work (his mother ran the business and never had time to teach anyone else) and really needs a break from his long hours, so he hides in WOW. So I'm not going to take it from him.

So this holiday has a few purposes to it, and I plan to make the absolute most out of it that I can.
1. To get MR to smile again. To enjoy himself.
2. Businessy type stuffs that need to be done.
3. Have some couples time.
4. Sort out my medical/birth control issues that can't be fixed locally.
5. To taste test both the McDonalds and the Hungry Jacks Angus burgers.
6. To see Avatar in 3D.
7. To eat at least one meal that doesn't come from McDonalds, KFC or Hungry Jacks.
8. To buy a lounge.
9. To scavenge around for materials for my bag making ambitions.
10. To visit the national park (where I want to work one day, or at least in a place like that).
11. To take a million photos
12. To RELAX - wading pools may be involved in this.

I'm not taking my laptop with me on this trip because I can't be bothered paying for wireless internet so I won't be updating my blogs until Sunday. I will still have access to twitter and facebook, so I'll be updating those when the mood strikes me, probably a lot knowing me.


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