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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Cleaning + Me = Injuries

"I wish I had cool wiggles bandaids"

Every time I get into a cleaning mood (which doesn't happen often so I like to make the most of it) I manage to hurt myself, which not only makes the cleaning slow and painful, but makes it so that every time I think "hey, the floors need sweeping" or "I need to do some washing" I dread it. I instinctively dread cleaning.

This morning I got up when MR went to work as we are planning to go on a little trip to Alice Springs tomorrow and I wanted the house clean before we left. I cleaned out the bedroom (we've been dumping random things in there because it has floor space) and grabbed my large pile of washing to take to the laundry. Loaded the washing machine, cleaned up a little, played with the fat cat, grabbed some misplaced pink heels to take back to the bedroom and I slipped down the ramp that leads into the house. Living underground means that there is a constant layer of dust over everything, no matter how much I sweep. The ramp is made of wood so adding dust to that makes it extra slippery. I KNOW this. I walk up and down that ramp three thousand times a day. Today was the day I slip, because of course, I'm in a cleaning mood.

My left foot went underneath me, jarring my back. My right foot went forward but left my big toe behind so that's all ouchy now. I had the shoes in my left hand so my right hand took the weight of the fall, taking half the skin off the side of my hand, jarring my wrist and two of my fingers. So now I'm covered in bandaids, everything hurts and I walk with a limp *sigh*

My fall made a large enough noise that I scared the dog, who in turned knocked over the bin, fan, and laptop and now he's refusing to come inside.

I still have a LOT of cleaning to get done (not to mention shopping for supplies, cooking and packing) but I'm going to rest for a while. Doing things with one hand and one leg isn't fun. At least the washing machine's doing it's job and has't flooded the laundry.....yet.


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