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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lost Lost Me

So, obviously I've been gone a while. But considering a total of one person reads this blog I'm not too concerned at this point.

But I still feel bad.

Anyhoo, the diet and exercise is going alright. The weekend was shocking when a friend came into town bearing alcohol, and then football season returned so the alcohol was quickly in my belly and I wound up feeling like a wounded animal for two days while my body attempted to figure out what to do with all the sugar I fed it for 48 hours straight.


I'm struggling to eat three meals a day, which is normal for me, but not good when I'm also doing various work outs 3 or 4 times a day. I still have plenty of energy though, but I struggle to get out of bed every single morning. I'm blaming the food thing, but it's really hard to force myself to accept the food. I'm sure my body will figure itself out though.

We will be making a trip to either Port Augusta or Adelaide late next week as he needs to have surgery on a cist that's made itself comfortable in his wrist. We'd go sooner but OH's father is away until at least Tuesday and we can't leave work until he returns. And he's also paying for the surgery, accommodation, fuel etc for us to go because we are beyond broke.

I'm becoming increasingly more annoyed at how backwards this town is. And how it tries to over compensate for it's shortcomings. And how "clicky" people in this town can be. I've been considering joining a sporting team (we have volleyball, badminton and yoga that I'm aware of at the moment) but I have no girlfriends I can take along with me for moral support, and I feel kind of awkward signing up for these things and being left in a corner on my own. Everyone in this town is part of a little group. There's the young mums. The young drinkers/partyers. The older male drinkers. The older female drinkers. The druggies (there's about three groups of these). The gamers (who are mostly loners, but communicate via games. OH is one of these). The young males who have randomly discovered fitness. The young females who have randomly discovered fitness. The council workers. And the bar staff.

I fit in to NONE of these groups. I don't drink any more, and all socializing is done at the pubs where everyone gets smashed. All the fitness junkies go way out of my league and make you feel like a child when you can't keep up. Now, I don't mind being on my own. I don't HAVE to fit into one of these groups. It just makes it incredibly hard to take part in any of the towns activities, because they are basically just a public way to acknowledge what their little group is doing, and everyone else will be banished. And I'm painfully shy, which doesn't help.

Also, what kind of supermarket doesn't sell zucchini? The two in my town don't stock it as a regular item. I've been able to get it once in the last month and I literally danced in front of the produce shelf (there's only one, with very few items). OH walked away from me and pretended to be interested in some bananas while I went and hugged the manager for finally stocking zucchinis (he's my old boss, so it's not that creepy :P). I almost died of shock when I discovered panko breadcrumbs today. One of the supermarkets have decided that they needed an "asian" shelf, so it's full of products what are labelled in Japanese writing so I don't know what half of them are, but luckily I know what panko is so I yoinked them. They cost me almost $10 for the little bag, but I don't care. I had to have them. Luckily the supermarket is also stocking some asian crackers and chips that are VERY low in sodium and calories, so I've been stocking up on them as healthy snacks (they aren't too bad either!).
So I do my shopping at two supermarkets. Sliced wholemeal and multigrain bread, fresh meat and some vegetables at one, fresh bread rolls, more vegetables and cheeses at another. Dog food at one, cat food at the other. It's tiring, but it needs to be done. I've been waiting for over a month now for one of the supermarkets to stock Laughing Cow cheese, but neither of them have (I've begged and pleaded, it just never appears :( ). So I'll continue to wait for our supermarkets to stock regular foods. There was a week when the town had a milk drought. There's been multiple carrot and tomato droughts.

When you have to rely on ALL foods to be transported from 10 hours away, if something goes wrong with the truck, if the business down there goes on strike, if the highway is closed off (due to accident or weather) then the entire town is cut off from getting any fresh stock and we all live on two minute noodles and tins of tuna.

My favourite sights in the cities are now Woolworthsa and Coles. Supermarkets where they have fresh produce, apples all year round, fresh bananas, fresh bread every day in every variety you can think of. More than three types of shampoo, razor replacements (I can't get mine here, and every time I buy what they do have to make sure I have what they stock, they change it on me again!!!), pet food varieties etc etc etc. I miss the city entirely based on food options. I miss fresh food. All 'fresh' food here is at least three days old before it hits our shelf. So three days after your apples are put on your supermarket shelves, ours are being unloaded off the truck and offered to us. And we pay twice as much for them.

So please, appreciate your supermarkets. And be thankful you don't live in the middle of nowhere, where milk and carrots can become currency if the gods decide to turn our desert into a mammoth mud pit.

Home Sweet Home.
Dust and all.


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