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Monday, February 15, 2010

In training

I have decided to reapply for the Royal Australian Navy. My last attempt was mid-2008 and I failed due to lack of fitness. Basically, I was lazy. I trained lazily, I drank, I smoked. I thought I was taking it seriously, but I can see now that I wasn't.

It's gotten to the point where I need a job desperately (our income is now less than our outgoing living expenses, not including food or fuel) and I want a career. I'm still looking for a job locally for the time being to tide us over, but I figure now that I'm getting fit and healthy anyway, why not go back to my original plan. I believe I am in a better place than I was then.

MR is happy for me to do whatever makes me happy, and I love him even more for supporting me in this. He knows I'll be away a lot, and for the first year I will have limited contact outside training, but he understands that I've wanted this since I was little, and he wants to help me get there. He's even suggested joining himself (he applied a few years ago as well).

So that's the plan. I have a workout routine set up for myself, which I'll tweek and mess with over the next week or so, then I'll add to it as the weeks go on, depending how I handle this week of course. MR, being an ex swimming instructor, is going to help me with my swimming training. I can swim to stay alive, but I'm horrible at technique, so he's agreed to help me with that. He's happy to eat whatever I eat, even though he knows I'll cok him whatever he wants.

I called the recruitment center today and had my application renewed, and was told that I'd get a call from a Recruitment Officer within ten days to get me to the next step. In the mean time I need to push myself harder with my fitness. I've already upped my daily wii fit activities to an hour a day, instead of half an hour, and I've started running in part of my evening walks. As of tomorrow we start the swimming aspect of things. It was supposed to be today but I woke up with a sore throat so we decided to skip it. I also have pushups and situps to do tomorrow, as I need to be able to do them well and consistently to pass the fitness exams.

I'm enjoying having a plan, something to work towards. I know that my fitness was the only thing holding me back last time, so now that I'm getting that sorted out and I love doing it, there is no reason that I can think of why I couldn't get in this time.

So... wish me luck?


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