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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Lazy Sundays

Sunday have always been our lazy days, as it's the only day that MR has off. And recently we even get to miss out on phone calls (we ignore them anyway) because we are being avoided like the plague for reasons we don't know at the moment.
Because it's Sunday we decided that we didn't want to get up this morning, so in our house, Sunday morning didn't happen. MR decided he was hungry at 2pm so we dragged ourselves out of bed for eggs on toast. We spent most of the afternoon on our computers, him playing WOW, myself reading blogs and playing card games like Uno and Canasta and thinking of ways I can make money from home, without spending any because we're broke. I didn't get far on that... yet...

Around 6pm we have a visitor, which was amazing because no one ever visits us. He didn't stay long, something to do with having to leave to find food, but apparently we are boring now because we don't drink and smoke. Screw em, I say. There are more important things in like than drugs and alcohol. And more important things to spend our very little funds on.

So, I decided I wanted to be creative, which happens sometimes. We've gotten into the card games lately and they were thrown half-assed on a shelf, so I decided to liven it up a bit. I didn't take before photos, but there are after photos, which is what matters. Ignore the dust, I live underground and don't like dusting every five minutes to get rid of it...

Organization rocks. And yes, we have a lot of DVD's. We have more, but I haven't put them away yet... it's an obsession...

We went for a double walk today (2.59kms) and I took my camera along for the trek. I figured that I might as well get some photography in while I'm at it. Here's a few shots. You can check out some others on my photography blog.

Early to bed tonight, early swim tomorrow. Looking forward to it. I love swimming, and hate not being in a situation where I can swim whenever I want. Goodnight all!


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