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Saturday, March 6, 2010

I've never been very good at titles.

Saturdays are our lazy days. We don't exercise and treat it as a day off due to Fireman's 13 hour work day and the fact that he gets Sundays off. It's the night we go out if we so desire, stay in and play computer games, and stay up until the early hours of the morning, sleeping Sunday away.

Because Fireman is at work all day Saturdays I've made it a (bad) habit of sleeping until 2pm, then starting my day from there. It's not that I have a problem being on my own, or get bored... it's just that I don't HAVE to get up, so I never have. But I can't do this any more. I'm sleeping way too much and need to stop myself. I now have an 8 hour limit. I set an alarm for 9 hours after I go to bed, as it takes me about an hour to fall asleep, then I force myself out of bed. The first few times I did this I fell asleep by 10am on the lounge (I get up at 7.15am). Other times I force myself to do something outside of the house so that I can't fall asleep.

This morning I decided that I needed to be productive. Dad is building us a new cupboard for our kitchen so I needed to get the kitchen clean. Considering I still had boxes from when we moved (in November!) and from Fireman's mother that needed to me unpacked, cleaned and sorted I figured that I'd do that. I started at 9am, and finished at 6pm. I ran out of hot water three times. I tripped over the dog twice. But it's done, and my kitchen is unrecognizable from the towers of dishes that were there this morning. Considering I despise dishes and generally refuse to do them until I'm out of cutlery I am very proud to have done this. Now it's clean I want to keep it that way. For the first time since I was living at my mothers two years ago, the dishes used for tonights dinner are cleaned and put away before going to bed. HOURS before going to bed in fact.

I figure if I can change my diet and exercise, I can change my slobbish householdy ways. I even cleaned the bathroom... including the shower, and behind the toilet. I NEVER do that, unless we have guests. It's only dust after all...

So tomorrow I can relax. I have a load of washing to do that I remembered needed doing, but forgot to put on today, so that'll be it for my householdyness tomorrow.

Now, for your viewing pleasure.. some random photos from today.

Fireman, entering some of our hundreds of DVDs into our fancy DVD recording system (so we know who we lend them too, and they can't come back with "but that's MINE!!"). Next week, DVD name tags!

This is Shrek. He guards our DVD collection from sneak thief's. There's also a Terminator head, but he didn't fit on the shelf. And Tigger just didn't seem to fit the part....

Rusty always randomly reminds me of Christmas. I'm not a huge Christmas person. I'm not religious and it's a religious holiday so I don't see the point in celebrating it. But Rustys white fur with her red collar ALWAYS reminds me of Christmas. It makes me want to wrap tinsel around her... but that seems a little mean...
And I don't have any... I looked.


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